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Welcome to my site. I’m documenting my scrapbooking design journey and sharing freebies along the way. Hopefully you find something you like!

Hey, I entered a design competition.

Hey, I entered a design competition.

Along the scrapbook road . . . I’ve learned to tweak titles, make stickers, and create a paper or two . . . and here I am, now interested in designing. In real life, I do some home styling and initially thought putting a kit together would be similar . . . you know, pull a few lamps, rug, art, furniture and decor accessories and you have a room. Similar right? Oh wait, you have to MAKE the rug, furniture and decor accessories first?

To be completely transparent, I did design for about a year 12 years ago. Digital scrapbooking was still fairly new and as a work at home mom of two boys, I found it challenging to stay focused. Fast forward to four weeks ago . . . a favorite designer posted about the Next Designer 2020 competition at DigitalScrapbookStudio.

So I put together my Audition Mini Kit called Plant Collector . . . because it represents me personally, as well as my aesthetic and one of my favorite scrap themes.

My Design Competition Entries . . . and a Freebie

My Design Competition Entries . . . and a Freebie